Feminism has reached its fourth wave, of which the MeToo movement is its most eloquent expression. But the so-called “post-feminist” era had already begun, making gender issues and the critique of the binary gender division paramount. Post-feminism is no longer based on a feminine identity and gender replaces the man/woman, male/female duality. This shift poses a risk that has been identified: that of moving towards a feminism without women, which does not serve traditional feminist struggles in any way. This gives rise to a sort of “depoliticization” of feminism, which goes hand in hand with a strong academic effervescence and theoretical vitality, and whose very visible embodiments are the proliferation of disciplines (women’s studies, gender studies, queer studies, etc.) and categories and concepts, such as ecofeminism, cyberfeminism, xenofeminism, feminist afrofuturism, etc.).

with Regina Guimarães, Luísa Sequeira, Marinela Freitas, Laurent de Sutter, Diogo Ramada Curto, Nathalie Quintane, P. Feijó, André Tecedeiro


April 14 and 15 ‧ mala voadora